Day 16: Santander to Santa Cruz de Bezana, approx 20 km, including around Santander. 

Best bits and blessings:

  • Last night’s hostel was a very pleasant break from the routine of albergues. I enjoyed my own space and the opportunity to use good Wifi to catch up with Jon and also William before he leaves for the US tomorrow. 
  • Tonight’s albergue is another special place to be, in an entirely different way. 
    Run by a family in their home, it is full of quirky and homely touches, even cats! There will be another communal meal tonight. 

  • Interesting art in the Santander Cathedral. I especially enjoyed this modern painting of the Road to Emmaus story. 


  • There’s been a few today! For a start, my seemingly brilliant plan to take a side trip to the mountains didn’t come off because I missed the bus!  The main reason was because sorting myself out took a bit longer than expected and then I got myself lost at one point. The leisurely 45 min walk to the bus station that I had planned turned into a 20 min dash, only to miss the bus by about 2 minutes! So, I caught my breath, tried not to be too hard on myself, and made a new plan. It seems there are no other options but the bus from Santander for the trip I wanted to do. My choices were to flag the side trip and walk on,  but it was already too late in the morning to walk the whole planned next stage. I decided to be a bit kind to myself and only walk a short distance to the next town. To take a wee bit of time to visit the cathedral, because I just missed the visiting hours yesterday, as well as go back to the hostel I stayed in last night and cancel the booking I had made for the following night, and basically not rush. If it works out, I have figured out that I can take a bus back to Santander first thing tomorrow morning and catch the bus for the mountains, stay the night in the mountains then walk down again to catch the bus back to Santander and then another one back to this town to carry on the way. Right at the moment, I’m not quite sure if I can be bothered with the effort required! Stay tuned! 
  • My feet are a bit sore! The small blister that had pretty much gone has been sprouting a neighbouring bigger brother over the last couple of days! And my left little toe has a blister underneath it. A place where I had blisters last time and one that is very difficult to manage. I used a little hiker’s wool around it. 
  • It was not a very pleasant walk out of Santander this afternoon so I’m very pleased I wasn’t walking further. Lots of cement under foot, busy roads and trying not to think of how brilliantly clear the weather would have been for mountain views! This was a brief respite from all the cement walking this afternoon. If you are considering walking the Camino del Norte and you suffer from hay fever then spring is not the best choice for you! 
  • Dogs are everywhere in Spain! Unfortunately, it is not just yellow arrows under foot you need to be watching for as you walk! This wee fellow is one of the smallest I have seen,  sitting up on a concrete plinth outside a cafe. He did NOT want his photo taken, ears back and a throaty growl!

    Standout moments :

    • As a wee glimpse into Spanish life, I am currently sitting in the bar across the road from the albergue to write this blog and access their WiFi. There is a group of 4 older men enjoying a game of cards at a near by table. It is great, loud sport for them and at least 3 bystanders watching. Sorry, I can’t take a photo,  that would be just a wee bit rude! 

    4 thoughts on “Day 16: Santander to Santa Cruz de Bezana, approx 20 km, including around Santander. 

    1. Hi Viv,
      Sorry to hear your plans for the mountains didn’t work out. Don’t be tough on yourself, best laid plans of mice and men and all…
      Andrew & I are traveling to Norway on the weekend, and will be away for two weeks. I will continue to follow your progress while holidaying and getting some spring times walks in myself.
      Look after yourself, especially your feet :-/


    2. Ummm, I wonder what your second top strength finder theme is? Arrrh that’s right ……..
      2. Adaptability. Well, ain’t that a surprise.

      Trust the way, trust the Camino. Colombres to Tresviso is only 66km by car? (not that I know where the walking section begins).

      Buen Camino! There’s more in you babes!


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