Day 33: Abadin to Vilalba, 21km.

Best bits and blessings:

  • Knowing it would be a short walk today, I was able to have a slow start to the day. The Abadin albergue had great wifi so I could have a good long chat with Jon at home and then make myself some breakfast in the well appointed kitchen. 
  • It was a good morning for a slow start with early misty conditions. Galicia is a province with a bit of a mystical reputation, perhaps from it’s Celtic roots, and it was easy to imagine that today.
     It was very peaceful walking early on, being Saturday, before the roads and the farms became busier. Just the birds and me! 
  • The countryside was quite different to yesterday. A lot flatter for one thing, and common to this part of Galicia are fences made of great stone slabs. Some were overgrown with bracken, ivy and brambles, and collapsing. Others were well maintained. Fencing, back in the days before tractors, was a strongman’s job!


  • Dogs are everywhere, as I’ve said before. Most often they are tied up or behind fences. Lots of large German Shepherds or small yappy dogs come bounding over to make sure that passers-by stay well off the property. These ones were friendly but yesterday I had an encounter with 2 dogs off the leash, who were not so friendly. One actually began to come at me twice until I waved my poles at it and growled at it. Another pilgrim had passed by not long before me, but did not have any problems with the dog. 
  • Mid morning I came across 2 fishermen on a small bridge. One engaged me in conversation, of which I could only pick up the odd word. I could be wrong, but I felt the gist of what he said was I should not be walking alone. As I’ve said before, I’ve never felt unsafe, but that did put a little dent in my stride for a time. Shortly afterwards, I received an encouraging text from the other side of the world that boosted my spirits. Thanks, Liz!